Principal Message

Dear Parents,

We extend a very warm welcome with our prospectus, which is designed togive you a realistic sneak peek into the only GEMS school in Eastern India.This unique brand value at once places NSGS at the pedagogical convergence ofthe global and the local – as the core values of ‘Leading through Innovation’,‘Pursuing Excellence’, ‘Growing by Learning’ and ‘Global Citizenship’ are imparted here by personnel who arehandpicked and dexterously trained in the best educational practices worldwide.The search for complete schooling experience in Haryana can only lead you to NEXT STEPGLOBAL   School. A serene sprawling campus minutes away from the urban bustle greets achild at NSGS, providing a world of perfect balance between work ethos andvivacity of life on the greens, in an eco-friendly ambience. Our USPs are an enviablestudent-teacher ratio, and the deft blend of academics, aided by the mostmodern interactive props at all levels, with sports, physical activity and a selection of theperforming arts.

We strive to empower our learners with the skills required to make senseof the diversities and the potentially confusing complexities of the world theystep into. The division between global and local has become more blurred, atseveral levels. The NSGS team with its teacher-guided technology, is equippedto foster today’s widening intellectual pursuits, blending the interactionswith an awareness of the phenomena called LIFE out of campus, preparing today’sstudent for tomorrow’s world.

Parent Engagement forms an integral part of the ethos at NSGS, andinteractions take place on a regular basis with the Senior Leadership Team ofthe school. I sign off­ with the conviction that NSG School will be the preferreddestination for aspiring learners and dedicated professionals of the education sectoralike.

- Satyadev Arya - M.A English Hons, B.Ed, HTET (TGT & PGT)